Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Just a poem I wrote (try reading it backwards after you read it the first time)

A poem I wrote last semester (Fall 2009). I struggled at poetry - I'm a fiction writer but I happened to like how this one turned out after revising it. Try reading it backwards; I reversed it for a different effect.

At First Light

Lovely. Awakened sleep from over glazed
lovers of eyes, silence the shattered - birds.

Beds warm in close huddled lovers of sleep
the permeating morning of precipice, the doorstep of each

arriving. Trees broad among dancing branches
between threading leaves lean, golden of multitude

around willows weeping of roots beneath crept morning by
kissed ground. Solid cold above crept silence - lovely.

1 comment:

  1. I am very proud to say that we share the same passions and it is exciting to watch you progress as a writer. I thank you for giving me the chance to share your quest with you, my sister!!!!!!!! LOVE YOU
